Que os animais trazem muita alegria para seus donos todo mundo sabe. Mas que esses mesmo bichos podem contribuir para nosso bem-estar psicológico e ajudar na prevenção e no auxílio ao tratamento de algumas doenças, pode ser uma novidade.
A Comissão de Animais de Companhia (Comac), integrante do Sindicato Nacional da Indústria de Produtos para Saúde Animal (Sindan), encomendou uma pesquisa para o Departamento de Psicologia Experimental da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) sobre o tema. O levantamento de estudos nacionais e internacionais confirmou que o convívio com os animais de estimação contribui muito para a saúde do ser humano. Entre algumas observações, a pesquisa destaca a melhora da imunidade de crianças e adultos, a redução dos níveis de estresse e da incidência de doenças como dor de cabeça ou resfriado.
Os pesquisadores da USP citam um trabalho que identificou vários benefícios aos bebês que convivem com cães, já que certas proteínas que desempenham um importante papel na regulação do sistema imunológico e das alergias aumentam significativamente em crianças de um ano de idade quando expostos precocemente a um cão, conferindo um importante papel destes animais na saúde humana.
Segundo a pesquisadora Carine Savalli Redígolo, o trabalho mostra que o convívio possibilita aos bebês ficar menos suscetíveis às alergias e dermatites tópicas. “Também foi observada a redução de rinites alérgicas aos quatro anos de idade e aos seis a sete anos, devido à redução da imunoglubina E – um anticorpo que quando em altas concentrações sugere um processo alérgico”, explica. Os pesquisadores alertam que este contato não significa que seja isento de possíveis efeitos negativos para a saúde, porém, é possível discutir com mais equilíbrio os prós e contras de possuir um cão.
De acordo com a pesquisa idealizada pela Comac, ainda há resistência dos casais que possuem filhos pequenos adquirirem um animal de estimação: 44% das residências que têm pelo menos um pet são de casais com filhos jovens ou adolescentes; este número cai para 16% quando se trata de casais com filhos pequenos (até 9 anos).
Um gesto simples pode trazer importantes efeitos ao sistema imunológico de pessoas de qualquer idade. “Acariciar um cão pode elevar os níveis de imunoglobulina A, um anticorpo presente nas mucosas que evita a proliferação viral ou bacteriana, sendo importante na prevenção de várias patologias. Este resultado se deve, possivelmente, ao relaxamento que o contato com o animal proporciona”, explica Carine.
Outros estudos identificados pelos pesquisadores da USP também avaliam as taxas de sobrevivência, no ano posterior a um infarto agudo do miocárdio, em donos de cães, gatos, outros animais de estimação e em pessoas que não possuíam bichos. Segundo os estudiosos, depois de determinado período, foi possível perceber que a posse de um cão contribuiu significativamente para a sobrevivência dos pacientes, pelo menos no ano seguinte ao incidente.
Os estudos apontam também benefícios no controle de hipertensão arterial. Profissionais que viviam em condições de estresse e faziam controle do problema com medicação foram divididos em dois grupos, os que possuíam um cão ou gato e os que não possuíam animais. A pesquisadora Maria Mascarenhas Brandão afirma que, seis meses depois do início do monitoramento, um dos trabalhos constatou que as taxas de pressão diminuíram para ambos os grupos. Entretanto, nas situações geradoras de estresse a resposta foi melhor para os donos de cães. “Além disso, este grupo aumentou significativamente suas taxas de acertos em contas matemáticas, em relação àqueles que não possuíam os animais”, acrescenta. Esta situação mostrou a diminuição dos níveis de estresse, obtidos no contato com os pets.
Algumas situações também trazem efeitos muito positivos à saúde e ao convívio social: segundo os pesquisadores da USP, a duração das caminhadas é maior para aquelas pessoas que estão acompanhadas por um cão. “Além disso, nestes passeios, os animais ajudam na integração social, contribuindo para o início de uma conversa com outras pessoas”, confirma Maria. Ainda segundo uma destas pesquisas, pessoas que adotaram pela primeira vez um animal de estimação e que sofriam de problemas simples de saúde, como dores de cabeça, problemas estomacais ou gripes, apresentaram redução significativa dessas doenças em relação a pessoas sem animais.
E ainda há quem maltrate os animais!
Fonte: https://colunas.revistacriativa.globo.com
That animals bring joy to their owners, everybody knows. But even these animals can contribute to our psychological well-being and help aid in the prevention and treatment of some diseases, can be a novelty.The Companion Animals Committee (Comac), a member of the National Union of Industry Products for Animal Health (Sindan), commissioned a survey for the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of São Paulo (USP) on the subject. The survey of national and international studies confirmed that living with pets contributes greatly to the health of human beings. Among some observations, the research highlights the improvement of the immunity of children and adults, reducing stress levels and incidence of diseases such as headache or cold.
The USP researchers cite a study that identified several benefits to babies who live with dogs, since certain proteins that play an important role in regulating the immune system and allergies in children increased significantly from a year earlier age when exposed to a dog , giving these animals an important role in human health.
According to the researcher Carine Savalli Redigolo, the paper shows that the interaction allows babies to be less susceptible to allergies and dermatitis topical. "We noted the reduction of allergic rhinitis at the age of four and six to seven years, due to reduced immunoglobulin E - an antibody that when in high concentrations suggests an allergic process," he explains. The researchers warn that this contact does not mean it is free from possible adverse effects on health, however, can argue with more balance the pros and cons of owning a dog.According to the survey designed by Comac, there is still resistance from couples who have young children acquire a pet: 44% of households with at least one pet are young couples with children or teenagers, this number drops to 16% when it comes to couples with small children (up to 9 years).A simple gesture can have important effects on the immune system of people of all ages. "Petting a dog can elevate levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody present in mucosal proliferation that prevents viral or bacterial infection, is important in preventing many diseases. This result is possibly due to the relaxation that provides contact with the animal, "says Carine.Other studies identified by the USP researchers also evaluated the survival rates in the year after an acute myocardial infarction on owners of dogs, cats, other pets and people with no pets.According to scholars, after a certain period, it was revealed that the possession of a dog contributed significantly to the survival of patients, at least in the years following the incident.
The studies also show benefits in controlling hypertension.Professionals who lived in conditions of stress and did control the problem with medication were divided into two groups, those who owned a dog or cat and they did not have animals. The researcher Maria Brandão Mascarenhas says that six months after the start of monitoring, one study found that rates of pressure decreased in both groups. However, in situations of stress response was better for the dog owners. "Moreover, this group has increased significantly in their rates of correct mathematical accounts, compared to those who did not have animals," he adds. This showed decreased levels of stress, obtained in contact with pets.Some situations also bring very positive effects on health and social life, according to researchers from USP, the duration of walking is greater for those who are accompanied by a dog. "Moreover, these rides, animals help in social integration, contributing to the beginning of a conversation with other people," confirms Mary. Also according to one of these studies, people who first adopted a pet and suffering from simple health problems such as headaches, upset stomach or flu, a significant reduction of these diseases compared to people without animals.And yet there are those who mistreat animals!
The USP researchers cite a study that identified several benefits to babies who live with dogs, since certain proteins that play an important role in regulating the immune system and allergies in children increased significantly from a year earlier age when exposed to a dog , giving these animals an important role in human health.
According to the researcher Carine Savalli Redigolo, the paper shows that the interaction allows babies to be less susceptible to allergies and dermatitis topical. "We noted the reduction of allergic rhinitis at the age of four and six to seven years, due to reduced immunoglobulin E - an antibody that when in high concentrations suggests an allergic process," he explains. The researchers warn that this contact does not mean it is free from possible adverse effects on health, however, can argue with more balance the pros and cons of owning a dog.According to the survey designed by Comac, there is still resistance from couples who have young children acquire a pet: 44% of households with at least one pet are young couples with children or teenagers, this number drops to 16% when it comes to couples with small children (up to 9 years).A simple gesture can have important effects on the immune system of people of all ages. "Petting a dog can elevate levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody present in mucosal proliferation that prevents viral or bacterial infection, is important in preventing many diseases. This result is possibly due to the relaxation that provides contact with the animal, "says Carine.Other studies identified by the USP researchers also evaluated the survival rates in the year after an acute myocardial infarction on owners of dogs, cats, other pets and people with no pets.According to scholars, after a certain period, it was revealed that the possession of a dog contributed significantly to the survival of patients, at least in the years following the incident.
The studies also show benefits in controlling hypertension.Professionals who lived in conditions of stress and did control the problem with medication were divided into two groups, those who owned a dog or cat and they did not have animals. The researcher Maria Brandão Mascarenhas says that six months after the start of monitoring, one study found that rates of pressure decreased in both groups. However, in situations of stress response was better for the dog owners. "Moreover, this group has increased significantly in their rates of correct mathematical accounts, compared to those who did not have animals," he adds. This showed decreased levels of stress, obtained in contact with pets.Some situations also bring very positive effects on health and social life, according to researchers from USP, the duration of walking is greater for those who are accompanied by a dog. "Moreover, these rides, animals help in social integration, contributing to the beginning of a conversation with other people," confirms Mary. Also according to one of these studies, people who first adopted a pet and suffering from simple health problems such as headaches, upset stomach or flu, a significant reduction of these diseases compared to people without animals.And yet there are those who mistreat animals!
Source: https://colunas.revistacriativa.globo.com